Introduction to my 'question of research'

The main use for this blog is to post my thoughts, workings and progress as part of the 'A Question of Research' unit on my MA Graphic Design studies at the University of Portsmouth.

I was initially not sure about having to keep a blog for this unit, and posting weekly sounded daunting. I've always been very pen to paper in my notes and thought process, so the idea of posting online almost didn't sound so authentic to me. But upon reflection and after talking about it further with our tutors it does make total sense.

It will make the final presentation so much easier, as all the information I need should be archived away. Also, I really like the idea of it being open to my peers and co-students on the MA Graphic Design/Illustration course as I really welcome feedback on my work to challenge me and make me think differently.

Additionally, I have previously considered starting a blog as a Graphic Designer, but never taken the plunge. So this process might give me the confidence to do that in the future and build on 'blogger' skills.

My question is *drum roll*...

How can theory of practice inform our working practices?

The word 'theory' has initially terrified me and I feel the question as a whole sounds incredibly vague. But I'm sure once I start dissecting it and breaking down each word some thoughts and ideas will come to me...


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